Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 1: let's start this again...

So, we got here yesterday and settled in; we were fortunate to get the same housing we've had for the past two years.

The first week's concert rep has been set and I am conducting the last two movements of Howard Hanson's Merry Mount Suite - a piece I was interested in, so bully for me.

The first week here is usually interesting (and terrifying if you're a first year conductor). Because the teacher has never seen them conduct before, he assigns an audition piece of sorts, and throws you in the deep end to see what you can do. Once those are done, the first years are still assigned a reading piece; so in that first week, they get two works.

Normally Monday's are days off, but we have a warmup rehearsal tonight before we leap in tomorrow with a double rehearsal day. Let's see how it goes.


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